3U TELECOM AG: Strong growth in sales and earnings
Marburg, February 28, 2006 – According to preliminary figures the 3U group generated sales of 123.38m € in 2005. This corresponds to an increase of 27.9% compared to the previous year (96.46m €). The fixed-line segment accounts for sales of 86.77m € (previous year: 65.44m €), while the segment broadband/IP recorded sales of 36.60m € (previous year: 31.02m €). Considering the first-time consolidation of the 3U subsidiary LambdaNet Communications Deutschland AG in the second quarter 2004 and the deconsolidation of carrier24 as of August 23, 2005, operational sales in this segment grew moderately.
With sales of 34.25m € in the fourth quarter 2005, the 3U group posted the highest quarterly sales figure ever. In the fixed-line segment sales amounted to 25.11m € (Q3/2005: 22.33m €) for the same period. Against the previous trend, sales in the broadband/IP segment rose by 0.35m € in the fourth quarter 2005 compared to the previous quarter and amount to a total of 9.13m € (Q3/2005: 8.78m €).
The EBITDA of the 3U group showed a significant improvement in 2005. With an increase of 83.3% to 6.80m € (2004: 3.71m €) the company exceeded the communicated estimates of 5.8 to 6.0m €. The fixed-line segment posted an EBITDA of -1.90m € (previous year: -2,48m €). However, due to restructuring activities and an improvement in the operational business, the 3U group realised a positive EBITDA of 0.09m € in the fourth quarter 2005. This forms the basis for a sustainable return into profitability in 2006. Positive was also the development of EBITDA in the broadband/IP segment, which increased to 8.70m € in 2005 (previous year: 6.18m €).
The 3U group’s net profit amounts to 0.08m € in 2005 (previous year: -30.32m €). This figure is primarily affected by non-recurring special items including the partial waiver of the supplier GasLINE for a convertible bond, the deconsolidation of carrier24 and the sale of the Dutch subsidiary 3U TELECOM B.V. In total, these special items led to a positive net effect of 12.34m € for the group.
Due to these special items, long-term liabilities of the 3U group decreased significantly. This again led to an increase in the equity ratio to 35.87% as of December 31, 2005 (Dec. 31, 2004: 27.72%).
Cash and cash equivalents of the 3U group comprised 40.18m € at year end 2005 and remained stable compared to the date a year before (39.74m €).
For 2006 the management expects group sales of 132m – 138m €. By further growth of the operational business, the group’s EBITDA is expected to rise to 8.0m – 8.5m € in 2006.
Full year results for 2005 will be published on March 15 together with the annual report.
Ulrich Wiehle
Tel.: +49 6421 999-1200
Fax: +49 6421 999-1111