Zu den Sandbeeten 1 b
35043 Marburg

Represented by the Management Board

Christoph Hellrung
Uwe Knoke
Andreas Odenbreit
Phone: +49 6421 999 0
Fax: +49 6421 999 1222
Email: info(at)3u.net

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Ralf Thoenes
Registered in the District Court of Marburg under HRB 4680
Sales tax identification number DE 189243380
LEI: 529900VVQ4470YJ67K26
Responsible for the content according to § 55 Section 2 RStV:
Thomas Fritsche (address as above)

Please note:

Content of the website

The content of the website was created with maximum accuracy. Nevertheless the 3U HOLDING AG does not guarantee for the provided content to be complete, correct and uptodate. The 3U HOLDING AG reserves the right to change the content at any time.


The transfer or reproduction of the information provided on this Website requires the expressed written permission of 3U HOLDING AG.