weclapp SE to take over ITscope GmbH

Disclosure of insider information pursuant to Art. 17 MAR

  • Cloud-based ITscope SaaS solutions to be offered as before
  • Considerable potential for achieving growth together through cross-selling and upselling

Marburg, 8 July 2021 – weclapp SE, a subsidiary of 3U HOLDING AG (ISIN DE0005167902) and the shareholders of Karlsruhe-based ITscope GmbH have today concluded an agreement under which weclapp will acquire all the shares in ITscope. The transaction will take the form of transferring ITscope’s shares to weclapp SE against the granting of new shares in weclapp from a capital increase against contribution in kind and an additional cash payment. The overall volume in euros is in the lower double-digit million range. The completion of the transaction is contingent on conditions precedent, the entering of the capital increase into the commercial register in particular. This, in turn, depends on the expert opinion of the court-appointed auditor of the non-cash contribution.

ITscope operates a cloud-based B2B e-commerce platform as an SaaS solution which enables service providers such as system vendors to digitalise their sales and procurement operations and to set up automated sales and purchasing processes for customers and suppliers. ITscope currently has a customer base of around 5,000 companies. In addition, more than 400 distributors (IT wholesalers) across Europe are linked up as data and product suppliers.

In the financial year 2020, ITscope generated revenues of around EUR 3.2 million, 31% more than in the previous financial year (ITscope 2019 revenues: EUR 2.5 million). Revenue growth is expected to accelerate in the current year. The company operates at a Profit.

ITscope’s business activities will be continued under the former management with the brand as it is. The solutions ITscope offers are to be developed further, including the forward-looking Product Information Management (PIM) and Digital Asset Management (DAM), and also made available to weclapp customers, especially those operating in the e-commerce sector. Both parties anticipate that considerable cross-selling and upselling potential will be realized under the umbrella of the weclapp Group.

The takeover is a further important part of consistently implementing weclapp’s growth strategy which is to promote anorganic growth through suitable acquisitions and to accelerate the current strong organic growth by way of targeted platform extensions.


Information published by:
Dr. Joachim Fleïng
Head of Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 999-1200
Fax: +49 (0)6421 999-1222
email: ir@3u.net

Frauenbergstr. 31-33
35039 Marburg Germany
LEI: 529900VVQ4470YJ67K26
Commercial Register: District Court Marburg HRB 4680
ISIN DE0005167902
Trading venues:
Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg/Hanover, Düsseldorf, Munich, Stuttgart

About 3U:
3U HOLDING AG (www.3u.net) 3U HOLDING AG (www.3u.net) has its headquarters in Marburg, Germany, and was founded in 1997. It is the operating management and investment holding company at the head of the 3U Group. It acquires, operates and sells companies in the three segments of ITC (Information and Telecommunications Technology), Renewable Energies and SHAC (Sanitary, Heating and Air Conditioning Technology). The 3U Group has successful and profitable business models based on megatrends in all three segments. It continues to expand its business activities dynamically, particularly in its strongest growth areas of cloud computing and online trading, in which it is striving to achieve leading positions in the market. 3U HOLDING AG’s shares are traded on XETRA, Tradegate and on the German regional stock exchanges (ISIN: DE0005167902; identifier: UUU).